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DSN-IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of 'Normal' Disorders)

Psychotic Disorders

669.xx Psychiatry Disorder

A. Delusional thought patterns, consisting of at least two of the following:

(1) Patronization

(2) Responsibility

(3) Thought Decryption

(4) Stereotyping

(5) Pseudoscientific

B. Symptoms have clinically caused significant impairment in at least one major area of functioning for at least one other person.

C. Duration of at least six (6) months.

D. Symptoms do not manifest strictly within the context of a personal or other non-professional relationship.


Psychiatries are a family of serious delusion related disorders. They are extremely dangerous, with the psychiatrist often becoming a danger to others. (It is many agree that psychiatry maybe the most severe and debilitating of the normal disorders.) Psychiatrists often use drugs, imprisonment, and harmful adversives on their victims. The primary area of delusion for in psychiatry centers on being a savior of sorts, who must rescue others from themselves using any means possible. Generally, psychiatrists believe they know what is best for all people. To "help" others, they perform all manner of strange rituals on these patients (sometimes called clients, consumers, or other politically correct terms). Unfortunately, this "help" tends to be covertly based on the psychiatrists goals and ideal, even if at odd with that of the patient, and is often quite harmful.

Psychiatrists tend to believe that they have a special understanding both of the minds of others, and of the nature of reality in general. They typically will believe that they know what is going through the minds of other ("Thought Decryption"), and, more importantly, what should be going through the minds of others. Often, it is believed that the thoughts or feelings of others are wrong, and that the persons mind must be fixed ("cured") to match what the psychiatrist thinks should be in the patient's mind. These beliefs about having a special understanding of others minds are sometimes referred to as "first rank" symptoms of psychiatry, though it is unlikely that they are pathonomic of psychiatry. Any disagreement with the psychiatrist's views or refusal of treatment is likely to be taken as a sign of just how "disturbed" (thinking incorrectly) the "patient" is. In addition, psychiatrists often believe that their own view of reality is absolutely correct, or at least close enough to judge other views as wrong, defective, or delusional. Views of patients that conflict with those of the psychiatrist are taken as signs of severe disease, and as needing to be "cured." The views of psychiatrists, especially those ideas related to psychiatry (those listed as symptoms under criteria A.) are usually of delusional intensity, and are not responsive to reason or evidence. In fact, it has often been noted that reasoning with a psychiatrist will only strengthen these delusional beliefs, and cause the patient to be seen as even more defective. However, it should be remembered that most of these behaviors are not malicious, and in most cases the psychiatrist actually believes he or she is helping his or her victims.

  • Patronization: This is the belief that the psychiatrist has the right to do whatever it takes to "help" others, even if its against the will of those whom are to be "helped."
  • Responcibility: Like patronization, but in case the psychiatrist believes that well being of others is somehow his or her personal responsibility. As a result, obsessive or compulsive "help" behavior may be present, as the psychiatrist believes that is it his or her duty to help the "patients." Typically, this means forcing "treatments" on them because not to do so would be "unethical," "unprofessional," or just plain bad.
  • Thought Decryption: This is the belief, as describe above, that the psychiatrist is somehow able to decipher the thoughts or feeling of other. The "deciphered" thoughts are often considered real, even in the face of conflicting evidence, such as the behavior or verbal report of a patient. Often considered a first rank symptom, and especially common in the para-Freud subtype of psychiatry. Often called "first rank" symptom, thought decryption may be the prevalent of all psychiatric delusions.
  • Stereotyping: This is the belief that large numbers of very different people may be grouped into pre-defined categories of "illness." Virtually any unusual or deviant behavior may be classified as an "illness" in this way, and then these illness may then be "treated" (i.e., the person may be made "normal," or like the presumed mode of the populations). Often, it is assumed that what is good for one person in a certain category will be good for all or most others, and that they may be treated as all the same.
  • Pseudoscientific: This is the belief that at unfounded, idiosyncratic, or just plain bizarre set of beliefs held by the psychiatrist (such as psychoanalysis or object relations theory), usually relating to the above themes, are actually a cutting edge science. Often used, this is used in direct contradiction to the open, questioning, and self-correcting spirit of good science, as a means validating the "correctness" of the psychiatrist's delusions. This helps to justify the delusional intensity of the psychiatrist belief system, and to intimidate patients into compliance (or authorities into forcing compliance) with the psychiatrist's "treatments."

Associated Features & Differential Diagnosis

Normal personality and neurotypicality are both quite common among psychiatrists, though their exact relationship is uncertain. It may be that the intolerance typical of normal personality leads to the formation of psychiatric delusions.

In addition, most 9though not all) psychiatrists have an impairment of receptive communication. Often, they will not listen, or fail to listen closely. They will often misinterpret statements made to them in such a way as to "prove" their preexisting delusions or to label the speaker as "sick." Further, they are often quite literal minded, frequently taking figurative sayings or metaphors as concrete statements (thus producing a belief that the speaker is delusional and/or hallucinating). Very frequently, psychiatrists will give stereotyped responses based on a category to which the patient is believed to belong, even if though they have nothing to do with what the patient said actually said. It is uncertain whether these communication deficits are specifically related to psychiatry, or to comorbid neurotypical disorder. Clinical experience, however, suggests these communication deficits may be especially common and severe among psychiatrists.

The name "psychiatry disorder" has been questioned in recent years, as it has been noted that an identical disorder exists in some clinical psychologist, social workers, and non-psychiatric medical professionals. Therefore, the diagnosis of psychiatry disorder should not be limited to professional psychiatrist. An interesting observation is that those with medical degrees are more likely to be of the bio-organized type (see below), while psychologists and social workers are more likely to be either robionic or pare-Freud.


The following are major subtypes of psychiatry commonly recognized:

  • 669.10 Bio-Organized
    1. Preoccupation with concepts of biological disease
    2. Often uses medical "quick-fixes," such as psychotropic drugs, psychosurgery, or electroconvulsive therapy.

    The bio-organized type of psychiatry is so named because they tend to organize their delusions around biological concepts, such as genetic defects and biochemical imbalances. Categories of difference are often held to be genetically based defective phenotypes, constituting disease, though other biologically based explanation for differences are sometimes found. Invariably, the inevitable biological difference found between behavior phenotypes are used to rationalize their classification as disease, however. In keeping with the biological out look, bio-organized psychiatrists typically use biomedical techniques, such as drugs, to make there patients normal. Once rare, the incidence of bio-organized psychiatry is quite high, so that the prevalence is increasing. There is evidence that bio-organized is now the most common type of psychiatry in US, and possibly the world.

  • 669.20 Robionic
    1. At least two of the following:
      (a) Overly mechanical and superficial thinking, especially concerning human behavior
      (b) Frequent use of "brainwashing" techniques, such as Applied Behavior Analysis and other conditioning methods
      (c) Lack of a Theory of Mind Sinclair, 1997)
    2. Does not meat the criteria for 669.10, bio-organized psychiatry.

    The robionic form of psychiatry is so called because of the tendency for such psychiatrists to treat patient (and sometimes others) as robot like machines. Robionic psychiatrists, who often call themselves "behaviorists," typically use behavioral techniques, such as classical and operant conditioning or discrete trials to force others to conform to arbitrary standards of "normality." (Once common example of such a standard is to make a child "indistinguishable from ... normally developing peers," without consideration of the actual adaptiveness of such behavior.) Robionic psychiatrists are less likely to attack high-functioning adults than other psychiatrist, but are notorious for "training" children and less functional people.

  • 669.30 Para-Freud
    1. Delusions of Though Decryption Pressent
    2. Preoccupation with elaborate symbol systems and elaborate schemes of an "unconscious" mind
    3. Magical thinking
    4. Does not meet criteria for 669.10 (bio-organized psychiatry) or 669.20 (robionic psychiatry)

    Para-Freud psychiatry is named after an early case history of a psychiatrist named Sigmund Freud. Para-Freud psychiatry is defined by its elaborate system of delusions about various unconscious processes, which may differ somewhat between psychiatrists. Internal conflict, blame of the patient for being different for some unconscious ulterior motive, and the belief that rejection of there views is the result of unconscious denial and "repression" are hallmarks of pare-Freud psychiatry. Para-Freud psychiatrist typically subject patients to many long, expensive talk sessions and subtle indoctrination (in contrast to the more drastic methods used by robionic psychiatrists), though "brief therapy" is becoming more popular. Example of common para-Freud techniques and doctrines include psychoanalysis, "depth" psychology, and object relations theory.

  • 669.90 Eclectic

    The term eclectic psychiatry refers to all practicing psychiatrists not found in one of the other categories. To be considered eclectic, one must meet the general criteria for psychiatry disorder, but not the criteria for any (other) specific subtype.

  • 669.60 Retired Psychiatry
    1. A previous episode of psychiatry disorder, of any type, meeting full criteria
    2. Continues to hold many of the psychiatric views, possibly in a milder form
    3. No longer meet criteria B. for psychiatry disorder

    Sometimes a psychiatrist will cease to be a threat to others, while maintaining some of the characteristic though patterns of psychiatry. These are referred to as retired psychiatrists.

Onset & Prognosis

There is usually a prodrome of eight or more years before full fedge psychiatry is manifest. However, some of the features of psychiatry may be seen even earlier, sometimes even at a young age. The incidence of psychiatry seems to peak around thirty years of age in both sexes, but some casesmay appear later, and a few slightly earlier (though rarely before twenty-five years of age). Despite many references to "child psychiatrists," there has never been an evidence of a child practicing psychiatry; it appear that "child psychiatrists" are simply adult psychiatrist that primarily victimize children.

Psychiatry is a very dangerous disorder, and often resistant to reason. Further, the prognosis is quite poor, with the disorder usually lasting for decades, and recovery very rarely complete - often, the best recovery that can be hoped for is a remission into the retired state. Thus, in many cases, the best thing to do with psychiatrists is simply to avoid them.

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  • Sinclair, Jim. "Re: AC: Autism teaching assistants (& ABA)." ANI-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU (Thursday, 31 August 97 07:05:43 EDT).

  • Last Updated: 6 September 1999
    First Written (Diagnostic Statistical Nonsense, DSN-Y): 24 December 1996
    Officially Revised (DSN-Y-RRR-I-don't-know): 2 August 1997
    ISNT Edition: 6 September 1999
    Author: Jared Blackburn
    Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1999 Jared Blackburn

    Psychiatrists tend to believe that they have a special understanding both of the minds of others ... Often, it is believed that the thoughts or feelings of others are wrong, and that the persons mind must be fixed ("cured") ... However, it should be remembered that most of these behaviors are not malicious, and in most cases the psychiatrist actually believes he or she is helping his or her victims.