[Website for Erik Engdahl]
This page, version of 14 May 2015, has the address http://www.erikengdahl.se/dedog/dedog-schema-descr1-en.html

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Erik Engdahl: Schematic description of the dedogmatisation method

(Version of 14 May 2015)
Schematic description of dedogmatisation

The original wisdom could be described by the conceptional apparatus of the Unconditional Thinking of Everything (UTE), the provisional creation of Erik Engdahl. However, any other undogmatic or dedogmatised conceptual apparatus could be used. To put the UTE into retirement would be an advantage as it is generally unknown.

The external errors in a dogmatic theory consist of confusions between what is natural in life and what i just usual in our prehistorical era of mankind. By dedogmatisation, the external errors are placed in their right context on the left side in the above scheme as assumptions of internalised life complications or acquired prejudices.

The external errors can be regarded as an artificial skeleton of dogma. While dedogmatisation, the unconditional thinking incorporated as intuition is used as an "X-ray device" to identify this skeleton. Once it is removed, the road is open for removing the internal errors, the surrounding dead flesh that was originally added in order to get (or rather pretent to getting) the dogmatic theoretical building to turn around.

When both external and internal errors are removed, a dedogmatised theory appears. Its dedogmatised character makes it more difficult to be misused - as guidance to action. Harmless actions derive directly from the original wisdom, which everyone is carrier of from conception to death although it is more or less put into oblivion during childhood.

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