May 2021. Underwebbplats om ensamkommande unga.
Dec. 2017. Underwebbplats för länkar om nobelprisen. (Only Swedish)
4 Jun. 2015. Erik Engdahl's self-nomination as speaker at the TEDxUppsalaUniversity event in the autumn on 2015.
31 Oct. 2013. Erik Engdahl's application for a ticket to the TEDxUppsalaUniversity event on 21 September 2013 with sustainability development as theme. (English and Swedish)
20 Dec. 2012. Länkar om nobelprisen 2012. För nobelprisutdelningen den 10/12 anges precis vid vilka tidpunkter på som de olika 5-minutersföredragen kommer. Detta är populärvetenskap av verkligt hög kvalité - förenklingar utan att ljuga. Dessutom finns länkar till goda populärvetenskapliga presentationer på (Only Swedish)
13 Oct. 2012. Johan Nilsson: Äckel möter par av samma kön - SvD 2012-05-31 om äckel som drivkraft för moralkonservativas motvilja mot manlig homosexualitet. (Only Swedish)
21 Feb. 2012. "Unn Gustafsson interviews Erik Engdahl" on dedogmatisation, his "intellectual aikido" method in social, behavioural and parts of medical sciencies, and philosophy etc.. (Pseudo-English and Swedish)
29 Jan. 2012 "Multi compass model for sex and gender". (English and Swedish)
26 Sept. 2011. The subhomepage about autism spectrum conditions provisionally hosts the parody site "Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical". It has disappeared from (and later on reappeard to) its original address and does not seem to be found elsewhere on the web other than in archives. Why hosting the site?
Views expressed on these pages are not necessarily the views of host owner and vice-versa. (English)
26 June 2011. "Autism Spectrum Conditions as Relational Phenomena" (English and Swedish).
26 June 2011. "Description of Bilateral Cramped State of Communication Shutdown (Non-Intimacy) by Use of the Semi-Quantitative Logarithmic Multiplication Table". This is a stand-alone enclose to the above mentioned text. (English and Swedish)
19 Sep. 2009. New version of self presentation (English and Swedish).
There is also Erik Engdahl's presentation of himself (English and Swedish).
1) Research interests.
Keywords: Quantum Chemistry, Social Sciences, Psychology,
The list is not yet composed. Do you want to see Erik Engdahl's complete Curriculum Vitae? Yes/No!
Peter HC Productions, Inc. is a world wide text production enterprise group which is world leading in several of its subfields. You could find some of its text products by visiting its newly inaugurated web page entry.
6) Unconditional, Inc.
Unconditional, Inc. Sverige AB is the name of a company under early beginning construction which will provide services for global nomads of knowledge. The company will finance and perform research, in particular concering dedogmatisation of theories in social sciences, psychology and neuropsychiatry. The company will develop, market and provide trainings in social communication, social development and social leadership.
The first task for the company will be to provide a platform for its creator Erik Engdahl in his profession as global nomade of knowledge.